This holiday season, Community Care Hospice invites the community to remember and celebrate loved ones…

Golf Scramble Benefits Patients of Community Care Hospice
Registration is now underway for the Community Care Hospice Angel Care Open golf outing.
This marks the 13th year for the annual shotgun scramble event to benefit patients at Community Care Hospice. The event begins with registration and breakfast at 7:45 am on September 29 at the Majestic Springs Golf Club,1631 Todds Fork Road in Wilmington. The cost is $100 per player or $80 per player for teams of four who are registered and paid by September 8. All proceeds benefit patient care at Community Care Hospice.
The event includes 18 holes of golf, a cart, lunch, field events, an auction and awards presentations for longest putt and drive contests and a closest to the pin challenge. Opportunities for hole sponsorship are still available. Additional information about team registration and sponsorship is available from Michelle Kessler at 937.382.5400 or 937. 725.4987.
Comunity Care Hospice Executive Director Patti Settlemyre is pictured above with winners of last year’s Angel Care Open golf scramble.